The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) is pleased to launch a call for proposals for the Innovation Grant for Catalyzing Women-Women supply chains to implement activities geared towards catalysing women to women supplier and mentorship relationships, to create market and learning networks among women-led businesses.
VALUE4HER is AGRAs continental program, aimed at increasing the performance of women agri-enterprises, through access to markets and trade, finance and investments, knowledge and skills, networking and building women’s collective voice. The program VALUE4HER is powered by VALUE4HERConnect, Africa’s first women in agribusiness integrated digital resource, designed to assist women agri-enterprises transcend gender and market entry barriers, built upon digital technologies capabilities to connect, amplify, and deliver customized service.
Interested women-led/owned agribusinesses in Africa are invited to submit their proposals/applications for the VALUE4HER Innovation Grant (IG).
The deadline for receipt of applications is July 30, 2021.
For more information and to submit your application, visit the AGRA website.